วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to Make Beef Jerky in the Oven - The Homemade Beef Jerky Guide

Jerky is a tasty snack for the whole family and a great gift for friends. It's always nice to have to create some great jerky recipes.

I have 4 jerky recipes you can try at home listed:

1. Venison Jerky


- 2 kg of deer meat
- 1 c soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 / 2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 / 4 t garlic


- Cut the game into strips about 1 / 4 x 1 x 8-inches.
- Mix all ingredients and marinate Wildabout 10 hours turning once every hour.
- Smoke Wild grilled until it is completely dry or you can spread out over a low heat with venison on broiler pan oven.

2. Deer Jerky


- 3 / 4 C soy sauce
- 1 C Worcestershire sauce
- 3 T kosher salt
- 2 T crushed black peppercorns
- 2 T Graham Marsala
- 1 T garlic powder
- 1 T onion powder
- 2 t Prague Powder # 1


- Combine in a blender or mix with sliced beefCreate deer in a white garbage bag (in a metal container, so you're not a mess!).

- Refrigerator 24-36 hours, sometimes mixed. Dry about 15 hours at 125'F.

3. Deer Jerky


- 1 1 / 2 to 2 kg of lean boneless beef, deer, partially frozen
- 1 / 4 c soy sauce
- 1 tb Worcestershire sauce
- 1 / 4 ts Ground pepper
- 1 / 4 ts Garlic powder
- 1 / 4 ts onion powder
- 1 / 4 ts Hickory smoked salt
- 1 / 4 c firmly packed brown sugar
- 1 bottle of liquid smSmoke


- Trim all fat from the meat. Slice the meat as thin as possible.
- In a bowl combine the remaining ingredients.
- Stir until dissolved.
- Add the meat and mix well.
- Cover and store overnight in the refrigerator.
- Shake the excess liquid from the meat and arrange in a shallow pan or baking sheet.
- Dry the meat in a 150F or 200 degrees F until brown and dry, at least 8 hours long.
- Cool, remove from pan and store in a glassjar.

4. Chinese Beef Jerky


- Grill 3 lb Flank steak - or London
- 1 / 2 c Light soy sauce
- 4 1 / 2 tb Honey
- 4 1 / 2 tb Dry Sherry
- 6 lg garlic cloves - minced
- 1 1 / 2 tb Ginger - fresh, minced
- 1 1 / 2 tb Sesame oil
- 1 1 / 2 tb Red pepper - crushed dash of freshly ground white pepper


- The meat in half lengthwise and slice diagonally crosswise into paper-thin strips 1-1/2 to 2 inches wide and 4 incheslong.
- Transfer to shallow pan.
- Combine marinade ingredients and rub thoroughly into meat you.
- Arrange meat on racks and let dry at cool room temperature over night (not) do in the refrigerator.
- Preheat the oven to 250 F.
- Line two large sheets with foil and set wire rack (s) at the beginning of each.
- Arrange meat on racks in single layer.
- Bake 30 minutes.
- Reduce the temperature to 175 F and continue drying meat another 40 minutes (meat should be lightly browned but notburned).
- Let meat continue to cool on racks at room temperature overnight before packing into jars dry.
- Dried meat can be brushed lightly with sesame oil for additional flavor and shine.

Power of 36 pieces or 10 buffet servings.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to Decorate a Cake : Tools For Decorating Cakes

Get the right tools needed to decorate Acak, get tips from experts on homemade cake recipes in this free video baking. Expert: Linda Leon Bio: Linda Leon is an ordained minister. She and her husband have worked youth pastors for a number of years. Filmmaker: Linda Leon


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Is a Home Made Dog Food Recipe Better Than Commercial Dog Food?

In a world of comfortable easy and quick solutions, stressful work and busy lives we tend to look with the easy way out if it does not seem to have a negative impact on us to leave. This attitude is understandable has serious consequences if we are talking about dog food, as we leave a healthy houses form of effortless canned dog food recipe, we approached all the rest of our shopping.

You see, commercial dog food is appetizing to the ad spaceand our four-legged friends lap, they awaken with enough enthusiasm sometimes gets the impression, as it is the greatest thing they've ever eaten! The problem with commercial dog food is that there is so much less nutritional value than a home cooked dog food recipe because of the costs and lax standards in production, that something you make yourself, of course, is never as long as you know, as well make dog food.

Big dog food companies know what good food dg mind you, but inthe interests of filling out their product and their profits that they skimp on the main ingredients and for more "filler" ingredients that have little nutritional value. Along with this they are often in countries like China and India, where there were many known contaminants have led to toxic food that has killed many animals throughout the country.

Against this background, we must ask ourselves, we take the easy way and buy off the shelf dog food that may contribute to an earlyDisaster for your dog or we face a difficult and more expensive route, with a homemade dog food recipe that their health and wellbeing for years to increase their service life and be happier, because it can? The choice is do with us.

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วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Free Healthy Smoothie Recipes * How to Make a Smoothie * Banana Smoothie Recipe *

Homemade Fruit Smoothie Recipes * Free Raw Food Recipes * Health Benefits of Raw Food Weight Loss bananas * * * First things first ...* A Raw Food Rap by Dan the Man with the Master Plan! I'm here to help you grow and keep alive! Yo, I'm so glad to have you here with me today, on another simple raw foods, such as equities Yes, I have some overripe bananas, and I will not go bad, so I'm gonna put 'em into a smoothie so I will not be so sad Can You Dig It? ***** OK ... to ...


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วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Raw Hummus (using sprouted chickpeas aka garbonzo beans)

) 2 T. freshly squeezed orange juice 1 clove garlic 2 T. raw tahini Optional spices: cumin, spike or sea salt to taste, chives, paprika, cayenne pepper Blend all ingredients. Add water to thin to desired consistency. --------- I Doubled this recipe, adding salt, cumin, cayenne pepper, paprika and garnished with Italian olive oil and parsley. Overall, I'd say that's pretty good. I like the sweetness of the orange juice. ... Raw food humus recipe brussel sprouts sprouted chickpeas garbonzos ...


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Body Scrub Recipes - From Warm Brown Sugar To Cleansing Strawberry

Each of us is unique, and so our body is. With body scrub recipes can, make your skin needs, because you can try out differrent ingredients and look for best results. Skin react differently to the different oils and different exfoliating agents.

Here are the best in homemade body scrub:

One of the most popular body scrub recipes is kind of a brown sugar body scrub. It is often described as delicious and comforting. Sure it's no calories, so if yoube on a diet, you can enjoy themselves freely, without worrying about gaining weight:)

Brown sugar is full of molasses which makes it brown and moist. The grains are smaller than the regular white sugar, which makes it a perfect peeling. It is not too harsh on the skin is soft and easily stripped off dead skin cells. It smells great, warms the skin and makes it smooth and luscious.

Brown Sugar Body Scrub


2 tablespoons brown sugar

2Tablespoons ground oats

2 tablespoons aloe vera gel

1 tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 teaspoon almond oil (in case you do not have to use almond oil, olive oil, it is) a great substitute.


Before starting the preparation of this scrub, grind the oatmeal with a cup of coffee grunder or a food processor. It must be the sandy consistency, flaky and light otherwise scratch the skin.
Mix all ingredients in a largeBowl. Mix until it resembles a paste
It should be applied to moist skin, the best time is after you took a shower. It helps the skin cells cast off faster.
Use circular motion and light massage with your fingertips.
Rinse with warm water.

What does make these ingredients?

Oatmeal is hypoallergenic. If you have sensitive skin, the oatmeal is strongly recommended because it is reassuring and there is no danger that they may irritate the skin. Is oatmeal benefitial to oily skin, as it is extremely absorbent and takes excess oil. It helps dry and itchy skin and is widely used and distributed in cosmetics.

Aloe vera gel is gentle on the skin, accelerate healing and reduces them to the possible irritation and pain.

The next brown sugar scrub contains lemon, a great natural disinfectant. It opens the clogged pores and cleanses them thoroughly so your skin can "breathe" better.

Brown sugar lemony body scrub> Recipe


1 / cup brown sugar

1 / 2 cup salt

1 tablespoon coconut oil (as in the previous Bush, you could olive oil)

1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 tablepoon of honey.


Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix until it resembles a paste
It should be applied to moist skin, the best time is after you took a shower. It helps the skin cells cast off faster.
UseCircular motion and light massage with your fingertips.
Rinse with warm water.

Honey Body Scrub


3 / 4 cup honey

1 cup sugar (you can use brown sugar, even better than regular sugar)

1 cup sea salt or kosher salt

1 tablespoon jojoba oil

1 tablespoon oil of your choice: vanilla, orange ...


Mix the dry ingredients first.
Oil and mix until you get a paste likeMixture
It should be applied to moist skin, the best time is after you took a shower. It helps the skin cells cast off faster.
Use circular motion and light massage with your fingertips.
Rinse with warm water.

Honey is excellent, because they have a powerful antibacterial properties.

Yummy Chocolate Body Scrub Recipe


3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 cup brown sugar
1 tespoon of vanilla oil (extract is taken)
Olive oil as needed(You can use vegetable oils, but not if you oily skin)


Mix all ingredients except olive oil.
They begin, olive oil, gradually until the mixture begins like a paste
It should be applied to moist skin, the best time is after you took a shower. It helps the skin cells cast off faster.
Use circular motion and light massage with your fingertips.
Rinse with warm water.


StrawberriesBody Scrub Recipes

You could always mash a handful of strawberries, add an essential oil of your choice, a little oatmeal, a little honey and use it as a scrub. There are no specific amounts of oil until you get the pasty consistency.

Strawberries act similar to honey, they dissinfect the skin, smooth it out and reduces the appearance of enlarged pores.

Coffee body scrub recipes

Recently, ground coffee was excellent as a way to deal with and recognizedTo prevent cellulite. Use it in any body scrub that contains oatmeal, add a tablespoon or so. Apparently, the blood flow increases to the underlying skin layers and distributes clusters of fat, the skin type, the "orange peel" appearance.


2 cups of ground coffee
1 / 2 cup of sugar or sea salt
2-3 tablespoons oil massage of your choice


Mix all ingredients. Start by taking a quick, warm shower. Then start the application ofScrub, gently massaging the skin. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Salt and baby oil body scrub recipe

Mix enough Kosher salt (sea salt works well, too) and baby oil. Blend until pasty and apply as described in other scrubs.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Easy George Foreman Grill Recipes : Cooking Shrimp For The George Foreman Grill

How to cook shrimp on George Foreman grill, get expert tips for our own recipes in this free cooking video. Expert: Brandon Sarkis Bio: Brandon Sarkis has been a professional chef for more than 12 years, and he has worked in Austin, Texas, Columbus, Ohio, and Atlanta, Ga. filmmakers: brandon sarkis


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